Welcome to a magical journey into a world where mind, body and rope unite in an art of breathtaking beauty! Discover your inner power, express yourself through creative bondage techniques! Explore the depths of human connection and dive into the flames of sensuality! All this is possible in my contemporary shibari art studio.

You may read more about the studio and myself on the about page.

Caution! Shibari is addictive, it can change your life for the better and make you feel like royalty!

What you can get in Bern

  • Shibari workshops — learn how to tie safely and create an emotional journey with your partner!
  • Private shibari lessons — get all the details at first hand!
  • Rope jams — visit my social events, meet other people, tie, watch or make drawings!

Check the offers and contact me!

Upcoming events

  • Sat 10.08.24
    11:00 - 19:30
    Outdoor: every tree is a hashira! • 10th of August @ Kinbaku Studio Bern
    Switzerland's first outdoor shibari foundation course on tying to a tree!
  • Sun 18.08.24
    11:00 - 19:30
    Outdoor: every tree is a hashira! • 18th of August @ Kinbaku Studio Bern
    Switzerland's first outdoor shibari foundation course on tying to a tree!
  • Sun 08.09.24
    14:00 - 18:30
    Workshop beginners • 8th of September @ Kinbaku Studio Bern
    Begin your shibari journey!
  • Sun 13.10.24
    14:00 - 18:30
    Workshop intimate tying • 13th of October @ Kinbaku Studio Bern
    Deeper emotional connection!
  • Sun 10.11.24
    14:00 - 18:30
    Workshop floorwork toolkit • 10th of November @ Kinbaku Studio Bern
    Fast and effective ties!

You can import all events as ical calendar.

Shibari workshops

A good opportunity for you and your partner to learn shibari in a group!

Private shibari lessons for singles and couples

If you prefer to learn shibari in depth, then private lessons are the way to go! We will find a convenient time slot and I'll be happy to share my knowledge with you individually, face to face.

An individual lesson for a couple costs 300 CHF and consists of 3 hours of intensive work. You come together with your partner. I conduct the lesson either alone or with my partner, if it's necessary to demonstrate challenging moments. We will decide on the topics together with you in advance.

If you don't have a partner for the class — no problem! I can organize a person you can practice with. Keep in mind, this is not an erotic/sexual offer!

A private lesson of 3 hours with a provided model costs 450 CHF.

Booking process: I will ask for a deposit of 100 CHF once we have agreed on the date. The deposit is non-refundable in case you cancel the appointment. However, it is possible to reschedule once! If I have to cancel the appointment from my side and we cannot agree on a different date, then I will refund your deposit.

Note: this offer means shibari tuition only! I regularly do personal bondage/SM sessions with certain people on a friendship basis — it's a different story.

Contact me to arrange a date!

Parties / Rope jams

In November 2021 I started with regular rope jams in Bern — evening parties which are open for all shibari enthusiasts. Everybody is welcome: couples, singles, profis, beginners! My studio is a cozy space for you to play and get to know other people. It's an LGBTQ-friendly and transgender-safe place. For the jams I prepare 3-5 spots (tatami) where you can tie. There's also a coffee corner.

June 2024: Due to lack of time I probably won't plan further rope jams till August. But you can still contact me — I can organize a spontaneous one if there's sufficient demand!

My place is easily accessible by car and public transport: see its location and parking possibilities.

Admission fee 20 CHF per person.

Contact me if you want to join for the first time!


Rope Jam

Contact me ! 💬

The fastest way is to drop me a message in telegram, user @bullfinches — I speak German, English, Italian and Russian. Tell me a couple of words about you please! I'll answer as soon as possible and we'll arrange the rest.

Alternatively you can contact me on fetlife | per e-mail info@kinbaku.be | via the messenger on my facebook page | or via instagram.

Kind regards,